Maintenance and repair

Deterioration of individual units and parts of power equipment leads not only to an increase in energy consumption, but also increases the risk of failure of the entire unit. The specialists of JSC «TSENTROENERGOMONTAZH» carry out a full range of service works for the maintenance of steam and gas turbines.

All repairs are carried out in full compliance with all safety regulations and environmental protection requirements. A professional approach to service maintenance allows minimizing the downtime of turbines, and the result is an improvement in their technical performance, a decrease in costs for electricity generation, an increase in the service life of both individual units and the turbine as a whole.

The service department of JSC «TSENTROENERGOMONTAZH» carries out:

  • complete repair of steam, gas and hydro turbines, compressors, pumping electrical equipment, regardless of the type and manufacturer;
  • complete repair of modular (container) stations and gas booster compressor station;
  • complex service of steam, gas and hydro turbines;
  • implementation of components and replacement parts and blocks;
  • development and manufacture of special rigging of any complexity;
  • service under warranty;
  • technological control and support;
  • technical assistance during repair work, including with the involvement of suppliers’ specialists;
  • highly specialized types of work, including:
    – heating of turbine cylinder studs by the induction unit “SFEX-17” for their “hot” tightening;
    – heating of bearings, half-couplings by induction heater “BALTECH HI-1630”;
    – reaming (ensuring the alignment of the coupling halves by boring holes), honing (ensuring the required frequency) of technical holes in the rotor couplings of turbines (using reamer “WS 1Plus”);
    – restoring the design values ​​to the holes of the half-couplings (surfacing with a reamer “WS 1Plus”);
    – alignment of turbine, pump, compressor shafts and parts of the turbine flow path using a laser;
    – grinding and polishing of the rotor journal without removing the bearings directly at the station;
    – grinding of a thrust rotor ridge, gas tight shaft seals (ring type);
    – machining with grinding of the rotor components in the cylinder.