The sequence of installation job is carried out in four stages.
• collect a package of working documents for the installation of equipment;
• agree on a schedule for the supply of materials, prefabricated structures and equipment in accordance with the established sequence of work;
• approve the range of equipment, the installation of which is carried out with the involvement of third-party contractors or personnel of manufacturing plants;
• determine the terms of delivery of heavy and large-sized equipment to the facility;
• create supporting infrastructure: premises for installation team and other personnel, storage areas for materials, construction equipment and special equipment in compliance with the rules of labor and environmental protection, and fire safety;
• familiarize all responsible persons (foremen, taskmaster) with the necessary documentation and approve the work plan;
• to carry out acceptance of the installed equipment and comply with all labor and environmental protection and fire safety standards.
Commissioning is considered completed once handover act is signed.
Steam and water-heating boilers for any type of fuel
We make installation of boiler equipment of any complexity. We design boiler houses of any type, select equipment, carry out commissioning. Our boiler houses are fully automated and practically do not require human intervention.
Hydro turbine equipment
We carry out any work related to the installation, maintenance, diagnostics and repair of hydraulic turbine equipment. We have a wide range of spare parts, components and consumables in stock.
Installation of process pipelines
Process pipelines are designed to transport any liquid and gaseous substances in production. It can be raw materials, waste or direct products of the enterprise, sent to the consumer. Including poisonous, explosive or fire hazardous substances.
Internal and external gas pipelines
OJSC “TSENTROENERGOMONTAZH” team has qualified engineers, welders, technicians, whose admission to work of this level is confirmed by permits. Only if all the rules and regulations are observed, the state supervisory authorities will take the gas pipeline into operation.
Gas compressor stations
We carry out installation and commissioning of compressor equipment and related infrastructure of any complexity. Our staff includes only highly qualified specialists: engineers, mechanics, commissioners, who have certificates and many years of experience.
We guarantee high quality and compliance of the work performed with technical requirements in compliance with the conditions and requirements of the equipment manufacturer.
Steel structures
One of our main specializations is the assembly and installation of metal structures of any complexity. For this we have a fleet of special equipment, the necessary production facilities and experienced qualified personnel.
Turbine generators
We carry out the entire cycle of work on the installation and technological support of turbine equipment. We also make repairs, dismantling and warranty service. We supply spare parts and accessories. We are modernizing equipment.
Pumping and compressor equipment
To carry out work on the installation of compressor equipment, we have all required equipment, tools and highly qualified personnel with extensive experience in the installation and start-up of pumping systems.
Installation of heating networks
We do design, collection of all necessary documentation and laying of heating networks. It is possible to implement any projects, from district heating to alternative energy sources.
Installation of such pipelines requires special training of personnel; it is often complicated by many factors.
Insulation of pipelines
Thermal insulation of pipelines performs the function of protecting personnel from possible burns, and also protects the pipeline itself from ambient temperature drops, condensation formation and prevents heat losses.
Air-exhausted ventilation and aspiration systems (including assembly)
Our specialists have extensive experience in the design and installation of ventilation systems. This is a very important part of any production facility. Increased requirements are imposed on the air exchange system, since the life and health of the working personnel depends on it. Therefore, such a thing must be trusted by professionals.